New Year's Resolution 2025
Holy moly, how is 2025 almost here?
It seems like I blinked and the end of the year is here. Looking back, I’d say 2024 was a solid year. We were able to travel a lot and have some really fun experiences. Highlights include:
Running my second half marathon
Exploring numerous national parks - Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Joshua Tree, etc.
Turning 30
Traveling to the UK
Regularly attending SoulCycle classes
Friends and family visiting us
In addition to those 2024 highs, I also had plenty of time to work on my resolution. I had dubbed 2024 my Year of Positivity and Self-Care. I was determined to have a more positive outlook, with the help of more self-care opportunities. And let me say, easier said than done.
As I mentioned in my last resolutions blog, it is a little difficult for me to always look on the sunny side of situations. I’m a very anxious person who gets stressed and overwhelmed easily. I usually have an all-or-nothing mindset (which I have been actively working on) and am prone to spiraling. Add on some significant lows from this past year (losing Tanner in the spring, the election) and I had my work cut out for me.
All this to say, I have done a lot of self reflection to learn the areas where I had wanted to better myself and my life. Therapy was one of the biggest helps for me in 2024, which was not a surprise. It allows me a space to verbally express my feelings, which has led to me being more communicative with friends and family in my daily life. If I put my sad, angry, or anxious feelings out there, in a healthy way, I am more likely able to address those and move forward. Additionally, some ways I prioritized self-care was taking purposeful social media breaks, working out more, and doing things I enjoy even if it meant I had to do them myself.
So while 2024 may not have been full of positivity the whole time, I can see the work that I did to put in the effort to better myself and my mentality.
So, for next year’s resolution…
Since I was in sixth grade, I’ve been drawn to writing. In college, I ended up majoring in English Creative Writing with a Writing Studies minor. Since college, I have taken jobs that allow me to write and have done freelance work on the side. I’ve also maintained this blog since 2016 where I can share more personal tid bits.
While writing has been so prevalent in my life, I still feel a bit stuck and unfulfilled with it. I am incredibly critical of my work and writing abilities. I am by far my biggest my biggest obstacle, as I can make up a billion reasons why I can’t write or do something creative. There have been so many times Andrew has encouraged me to write and instead I’ll say, “No, I need to fold laundry,” “I have other things I need to get done,” or simply, “I don’t have time.” I have dreams of being a published author and creating stories for a living, I just have to take the steps to get there. And the biggest step of all is to just write.
So, I have decided to make 2025 my Year of Creativity.
I would like to try and write every single day. It doesn’t always have to be connected to the same story or multiple pages long. It could even just be a brief paragraph inspired by a small prompt or a simple journal entry. I just need to keep the creativity flowing. I’m hoping that by making this my focus for 2025, I will come out with a plethora of content and more confidence in my own writing abilities.
OK, let’s wrap this up! I am grateful for what 2024 brought to us and I’m looking forward to what 2025 has in store. Cheers to a new year!
If you’d like to check out my previous resolutions, check out my posts below: