YEAR OF HAPPINESS // August Resolution


I’ll admit, August was a toughy when it came to my Year of Happiness. The month was very much work-centric, where I had to focus on my work performance and ways I could make more connections. A little hard to put into words and a blog post, but I’ll try my best!

Ask for Help and Work Smarter

When 2021 began, I was still living and working in Seattle. So when I made my resolution to Strive for More in regards to work, I was well-established in my position.

At the end of June, I started working with a new company as a SEO Content Specialist. So these two points really played into my plans this month. Being a newbie at my job, I have spent most days asking for help. Working smarter, well, I’m still working on that.

Reach out about more brand partnerships

This year I’ve been lucky enough to work with a platform that pairs brands and micro influencers together. So far I’ve been able to work with Voremy, American Flatbread, and AVEC Drinks. I was also able to connect with Ellenos, one of my favorite Seattle-based brands.

By connecting with brands, I am able to network and increase my social connections. I am also able to improve my writing and digital visibility.   

September’s resolution is to TRY SOMETHING NEW. This one, I’m really looking forward to.