YEAR OF HAPPINESS // April Resolution


April has been a whirlwind of a month. Andrew and I moved to San Diego and are finally starting to settle into our new space. Safe to say it hasn’t been the easiest month to keep my resolutions though as I have been a little preoccupied.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t really keep up on what I had planned for myself. I was more focused on packing up boxes and a U-Haul than keeping a gratitude journal. Nevertheless, there were some aspects to my Mindfulness resolution that I did try and keep in mind.

Giving myself five minutes to stress, then letting it go

This has been something I’ve been working on for longer than this month. I have a tendency to get stressed in situations that are out of my control and I can sometimes let that feeling fester and linger longer than it needs to. 

This month was a real doozy when it came to stress. Moving is a stressful ordeal and many things were out of my control. I’ll admit, I gave into that stress for longer than five minutes, and wasn’t really the best at letting it go. This is a resolution that I think I’ll keep working on past April. 

Spend less time on my phone

This one came in waves of successfulness. Being in a new apartment, I found myself some days being incredibly productive with unpacking, cleaning, and organizing. Other days, I felt a little lazier and wanted to rewatch Schitt’s Creek.

Thanks to the Screen Time app on my phone, I can track how much time I spend on my phone and which apps take up most of that time. I’ve noticed that I spend most of my time on my phone on entertainment and social, so Netflix, Hulu, Instagram, and TikTok. This information is helpful because I now know where I need to back off when it comes to my screen time.